Christiane Fath, Stiftungsprofessorin
A critical approach to the gender debate in Architecture, new working methods and structures, both in practice and teaching, as well as reflection based on such research, practice and teaching, are important curricular elements of Architecture studies. The benefit of integrating the gender perspective more strongly in this context is self-evident. The complex spatial and urban-planning consequences of climate change, demographics and sociocultural transformation demand a paradigm shift in our professional self-awareness. Architects are predestined to play a leading role in this process of socio-economic transformation. If we succeed in sensitising young architects to such change, we can initiate structural transformation and changes in planning culture.  
In the Summer Semester of 2024, we will investigate GENDERED SPACE: Gender-sensitive spatial perception, spatial use and planning. We will visit Future Studies researchers and planners who already embed this transformation into their daily work. We will hear from the role models of a new professional culture and investigate the NEW NORMAL! APPLICATION to christiane.fath@rbtu.de with a short motivation letter: WHO is your ROLE MODEL in contemporary architecture, and WHY?  Limited for 10 students. Kick-Off (online) at 26th April, 8:30 h. We are planning a workshop in Berlin (21st /22nd May) and the active participation of an international conference “Gendered Space+Women Architects” at 15th /15th June in Vienna