Reuse Rheinland-Pfalz
Architektur und Stoffkreislauf – Seminar
Kreislaufeffektive Architektur
Jun.-Prof. Eva Stricker
MSc. René Heusler
MSc. René Heusler
The reuse of components has not only been part of our building culture for centuries. It is also a highly effective and immediately available strategy for saving resources and waste as well as greenhouse gas emissions during the construction phase of buildings. Nonetheless in the construction industry in Rhineland-Palatinate circular economy has so far been discussed almost exclusively in terms of recycling of mineral construction waste. The project Reuse Rhineland-Palatinate is going to change this: As part of an intense research seminar, we are looking for local actors involved in reuse. Who is already planning, processing and building with reused components? Who is worhing on related research projects and where is relevant knowledge already available?
In cooperation with the Bauforum Rheinland-Pfalz, we research the local status quo, visit companies, dealers, planners and exemplary buildings, look at product ranges, conduct interviews and investigative reports. In this way, we get a clear picture of the circular construction industry in the Rhineland-Palatinate, which we will present to the public in an exhibition at the end of the semester.
The seminar is part of the KEA research project Reuse-Rhineland-Palatinate in cooperation with the Bauforum Rheinland-Pfalz. The results of the seminar serve as basis for a new online platform that will connect reuse players and advances the topic in RLP. Up to 20 students can take part in the project.