Raumgestalt Repertoire

Raumgestalt II
Raumgestalt und Entwerfen
Prof. Oda Pälmke
25.04.23, 11:45
Raum 1-006
The Chair of Spatial Design teaches and researches the design of space and spatial elements, conceived as teaching that becomes a work. At the center of the architectural discourse is a new consideration of the concept of the appropriateness of architecture: the reuse of form, not just material, makes it possible to extend the useful life of the elements of our environment.
Literature research and the phenomenological study of selected architecture, its graphic representation and subsequent analysis serve to collectively develop an architectural reference collection.
This repertoire of forms is the basis for architectural discussion and material for further interpretation in terms of content and drawing, and finally for the design of a spatial situation, a remarkable space for the students‘ own architectural project: the entrance to an urban residential building conveys a first impression of togetherness and can be an essential place for the house community. It is a space between inside and outside, public and private – transition, threshold, ‚threshold‘.