Medien Aktionen Apparate

Geschichte und Theorie III
Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur
Prof. Dr. Adria Daraban
15.05.23, 14:00
R 1-120
How do social problems affect the spectrum of media used in architecture? What means are used in architecture to articulate the noticeable reorientation of socio-spatial practices? Which tools – media, actions, apparatuses – are appropriate and effective in dealing with the different areas of tension that arise between people and the environment? How are acute collective concerns – the environmental and climate crisis, resource consumption and soil sealing, land use and distribution, and intergenerational, equal opportunity and inclusive access to space as a resource – captured, addressed and communicated in architecture?
How do social problems affect the spectrum of media used in architecture? What means are used in architecture to articulate the noticeable reorientation of socio-spatial practices? Which tools – media, actions, apparatuses – are appropriate and effective in dealing with the different areas of tension that arise between people and the environment? How are acute collective concerns – the environmental and climate crisis, resource consumption and soil sealing, land use and distribution, and intergenerational, equal opportunity and inclusive access to space as a resource – captured, addressed and communicated in architecture?