Making of Pfalz. Entdeckung einer Region in Architektur, Kunst und Literatur

Aktuelle Forschungen zur Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur
Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur
Franziska Wilcken M.A.
in Kooperation mit Dr. M. Männig, PD Dr. B. Carqué, Prof. Dr. A. Böhn
26.04.2024, 14:00 Uhr
Raum 1-120; digital; Karlsruhe, Speyer, Trifels
Discovering architecture, art and literature of the Palatinate region Regions can provide a geographical and cultural framework for architecture. Which elements turn an area into a region? Do such elements exist for our region – the “Pfalz” (Palatine) –, and how are they defined and created? With the tools of a Critical regionalism (K. Frampton) the seminar will investigate the cultural creation “Pfalz”. As the Palatine region only came into being as late as 1816, one focus of discussion will be the visual forming processes of a specific palatine (architectural) image during the 19th Century. Therefore, one of the prominent architectural features defining our image of the Pfalz, its medieval castles (“Burgen”), will be a central topic of the seminar. Not overlooking its antipodes – the huts –, we will take a closer loo
Not least, we will look at the instrumentalization of palatine regionalism during the NS period. Especially the interest in castles (new and old) and the development of a palatine “Weinstraße” (Road of Wine) are examples of the Nazi interest in landscape and tourism. The results of the seminar will provide material for an exhibition. In part II (Wintersemester 24-25), the exhibition “Making of Pfalz”, to be shown in 2025, will be designed. As an interdisciplinary seminar we will work closely with two other faculties. Sessions will be held jointly with teachers and students of Art history (RPTU Landau), and of German studies (KIT Karlsruhe). Four study days will take place in presence, in Karlsruhe (26 April, 21st June), in Speyer (5th July) and at the Trifels castle (19th July).